ABOUT US / an elite and expanding group

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ANCC Practice Transition Accreditation Program® (PTAP) and Advanced Practice Provider Fellowship Accreditation (APPFA) are two of ANCC’s internationally renowned credentialing programs that accredit and recognize healthcare organizations that promote nursing and APP excellence and quality patient outcomes while providing safe, positive work environments.

Transition to Practice programs that use the ANCC PTAP or APPFA frameworks find value in improving their structures and processes by creating robust, comprehensive programs for registered nurses’ (RN), physician Assistant/Associates (PA’s) or Advance Practice Registered Nures (APRNs’) transitioning into and within healthcare.

PTAP accredits two types of transition to practice programs (TTP).

  • RN Residencies — For nurses with less than 12 months’ experience
  • RN Fellowships — For experienced nurses to master a new clinical setting

APPFA accredits one type of transition to practice program (TTP)

  • APP Fellowship – For PAs and/or APRNS transitioning to a new practice setting

ANCC PTAP and APPFA programs:

  • Utilize evidence-based criteria
  • Create a framework for transitioning registered nurses and APPs
  • Apply a peer review process
  • Integrate national competencies

Be a part of an elite and expanding group! You’ll be in good company. Learn how more than 250+ ANCC PTAP and APPFA accredited programs in 850 (and growing) sites worldwide are putting ANCC PTAP and APPFA to work at their organizations and the difference it's making for the healthcare workforce.

ANCC is the only nurse credentialing organization to successfully achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification.

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